Friday, Sep. 30
Woolsey Hall
Attend a joint concert with internationally renowned vocal ensemble Chanticleer and the 2022-23 Yale Glee Club
Omni Hotel
Post-concert reception
Saturday, Oct. 1
Rossi Glee Club Room (Hendrie Hall room 201)
Coffee and pastries
10:00 - 11:30am
Woolsey Hall
TTBB alumni chorus rehearsal
Free time for lunch on your own
For those who wish, alumni from the following decades can gather together for lunch at the colleges listed. Current YGC members will be there to greet alumni.
Silliman - 40’s and 50’s · Berkeley - ‘60’s · Timothy Dwight - ‘70’s · Hopper - ‘80’s · Branford - ‘90’s · Saybrook - ‘00’s · Trumbull – 10’s · Morse/Stiles - 20’s
1:00 - 2:30pm
Woolsey Hall
SATB alumni chorus rehearsal
4:00 - 6:00pm
Woolsey Hall
160th Anniversary Reunion Gala Concert
Yale Commons
Cocktail Reception
Yale Commons
Singing Dinner
Dancing with Swing Band
Sunday, Oct. 2
10:00 - 11:00am
Morse Recital Hall, Sprague Hall
A Service of Celebration: The Yale Glee Club at 160 years
Several songs will be sung by the gathered alumni, including Randall Thompson’s Alleluia.